October 16, 2024
Pro-Hizbullah Protesters Rail Against “Zionist Agents”, Journalists, Holocaust Survivor, in Milan
Europe Iran Israel Middle East

Pro-Hizbullah Protesters Rail Against “Zionist Agents”, Journalists, Holocaust Survivor, in Milan

by Stefano Piazza

Choc signs, anti-Semitic slogans and threats against Segre and “Zionist agents” at the Propal procession in Milan. In addition to representatives of the “Party of Committees of Support for Resistance for Communism” (Carc), Gabriele Rubini, better known as Chef Rubio, also spoke on stage. From the stage in Gratosoglio, he incited violent action against those he calls “Zionist collaborators.” Unanimous outrage at what happened.

What happened yesterday in Milan is something that can no longer be accepted and it is time to really say enough is enough. About 300 protesters waved Hezbollah flags and observed a minute’s silence in memory of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the “party of God,” who was killed during an Israeli raid. But that’s not all: in addition to the usual anti-Semitic slogans, signs appeared, complete with photographs “of Zionist agents.” What was seen at the “National Party of Popular Redemption,” which was held on Saturday, September 28, in the Gratosoglio neighborhood of Milan, is something beyond imagination and is an affront not only to Jews and Israel but to Italian institutions, the victims of terrorism, their families and the people who were outraged during the event.

In addition to representatives of the “Party of Communist Resistance Support Committees” (Carc), Gabriele Rubini, a former TV chef better known as Chef Rubio, also spoke on stage. This is certainly not the first time that Rubini has participated in events organized by the Carc, but yesterday, from the stage in Gratosoglio, he incited violent action against those he calls “Zionist collaborators,” that is, those political cultural, entrepreneurial and journalistic figures already the subject of proscription lists published twice by the “New Communist Party.”“If someone does not sleep at night and can identify walls where Zionist collaborators live, with 3.80 euros of spray can start writing,” said Rubini, already the subject of countless criminal complaints and prosecutions. In this regard, it should be recalled how Rubini, during a speech last August at the Carc rally in the town of Pontedera , said, “The first targets and responsibilities of the continental resistance in support of the Palestinian people must be the journalists. They must live in daily fear, fearing for their lives and for the safety of their children. If there is a united global movement, it should strike the media first.”

What happened yesterday is but yet another demonstration of how the violent far left and the pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah movements have united as part of a very dangerous subversive project that has not been fully understood until now, as these demonstrations are being allowed and people like Gabriele Rubini are still at large. Gabriele Rubini, seeking visibility, had reported last May that he had been attacked by some strangers, claiming that it was “a squad of Zionist Jews” who had beaten him. However, even in this circumstance, his accusations turned out to be unfounded, as no evidence emerged to support his claim. It seems clear that the attack must be attributed to private matters that have nothing to do with Jews or those who support Israel’s cause.

The president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (Ucei), Noemi Di Segni, said, “First and foremost, we express our closeness and solidarity with the people who, during the Propal demonstrations that took place in Milan, were targeted precisely because of their commitment to protecting the most founding values of our Italy, reaffirming our commitment to protect security in every venue and to curb any abuse of freedoms. It is worrying that in Italy’s most important cities one can freely glorify terror and massacres. As we approach October 7, we are called to take stock, including a moral one, of what has happened, and we reaffirm Israel’s right to defend itself after months of attacks suffered with an action aimed solely at eradicating terrorism, for the benefit of the entire region and the future security of our cities and freedom of the same deluded and short-sighted protesters we have seen again today. Italy seriously to be at risk internally of an ideological grouping that undermines democracy, an element that should not be underestimated.”
The Hon. Sara Kelany, head of the Immigration Department of Fratelli d’Italia, also expressed her outrage: “During the Propal, Milan demonstration a carousel of hatred and violence took place in which those whom they cast as ‘Zionist agents to strike’ were targeted. Red flags and the hammer and sickle waved alongside Palestinian flags and signs with the faces of those whose only fault is that they are friends of Israel. For months now we have been denouncing that Propal associations pass off anti-Zionist positions as anti-Semitic, and today we have full confirmation of this. This drift, which is wedded to the anti-Semitic proscription lists launched by the new Communist Party, is serious, dangerous and must be curbed without hesitation by all politics. I express deep and sincere solidarity with Liliana Segre and all those who have been exposed to the public pillory.”

Bitterness is expressed by Davide Romano, director of the Jewish Brigade Museum: “We are fed up with this umpteenth manifestation of hatred with attached personal threats even to Senator Liliana Segre. I wonder how it is possible that this government intervenes in everything (from rave parties to non-violent demonstrators in prisons), but leaves these demonstrators free to attack those who have already paid an incalculable price in their lives at Auschwitz. These people are so ruthless (some of them even convicted felons) that they explicitly support a terrorist and mafia organization like Hezbollah, which is also dedicated, according to the DIA, to drug trafficking and money laundering. It would be time to stop these continuous Mafia-style threats made by various Propal protesters to Italian citizens who do not think like them.” All questions to ask the current Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi who is silent and has so far chosen the soft line. Until when?

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