October 18, 2024
Europe Israel News Politics

Major embarrassment: Bologna’s Pakistani imam hails Hamas from the pulpit and accuses President Biden of pedophilia. What are the Italian authorities waiting for to take action?

by Giovanni Giacalone On May 26th, 2024, the Pakistani Tablighi preacher of the Bologna-based Iqraa Islamic Center made a public statement, during a sermon, glorifying Hamas: “This little warrior, a group of people called Hamas. They made it clear to the world that these are cowards (Israel, Zionists), they can’t do anything against men, they […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East North America Opinion Politics

HUGIN (und Munin): the alarming anti-semitism promoted by Iran-Saudi Old Guard (salafism) in Portugal

by João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The rampant anti-semitism in Portuguese society is growing stronger by the day – this trend has been especially significant since socialist-communist António Costa took over the Portuguese government in a broad coalition with far-left parties (namely, the Portuguese communist party). But António Costa is not only a socialist-communist politician – […]

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Europe News Opinion Politics

Italy accuses Israel of overdoing it in Rafah, but it does nothing to stop pro-Hamas preachers on its soil

by Giovanni Giacalone “I have the impression that Israel is sowing hatred that will involve children and grandchildren”. These are the absurd words coming from the Italian Defense Minister, Guido Crosetto, who also added on SkyTg24: “Hamas is one thing, the Palestinian people are another. They had to discern between the two things and make […]

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Caucasus Eurasia Europe Iran

Impact of the Almaty meeting on the political processes in the South Caucasus

By Rustam Taghizade The meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Almaty, Kazakhstan, has come to an end. I would like to mention the role of the city of Almaty. Almaty is strengthening its image as a place for dialogue and the resolution of international conflicts, as demonstrated by the negotiations on […]

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Europe Iran Israel News Russia

Police Fails to Intervene with an Islamist Attack Against Jewish Demonstrators On Liberation Day in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone Jewish demonstrators attacked in central Milan by Arab thugs on Liberation Day, preachers spreading hatred against Israel and Jews. Italy is not doing enough to prevent hatred towards the Jews. On April 25th, Italy celebrates the national holiday commemorating the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

How Italy became a hotbed for Palestinian extremism and terrorism

by Giovanni Giacalone The ruling of the Appeal Court of L’Aquila which rejected the extradition of Palestinian terrorist and al-Aqsa Brigade ringleader Yaeesh Anan should not be interpreted as an isolated case, but should rather be included in a series of strange events that have occurred in Italy starting immediately after the October 7th massacre […]

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Europe Israel MENA News Middle East Politics

The shady case of Yaeesh Anan, the al-Aqsa Brigade ring-leader active for years in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone In early January of 2024, the Israeli authorities requested the extradition of al-Aqsa Brigades terrorist Anan Yaeesh, 37, originally from Nablus and a leader of the “Tulkarem Unit”. Israeli authorities had been after Anan for quite some time, since he first reached Europe, precisely Norway, back in 2013 where he tried to […]

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Africa Europe News North America Russia

Is a Private US Military Company Moving to CAR to displace Wagner?

by Scott Morgan The reports that the American Private Military Company Bancroft was having conversations with President Toudene of the Central African Republic regarding a potential move into the country.   There are several interesting and tantalizing questions that deserve to be asked. The first question is why now? There are two trains of thought […]

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Europe Israel News Opinion

Despite Israeli warnings on Hamas activists, Italy seems hesitant to intervene

by Giovanni Giacalone On October 10th, just a few days after the massacre perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli civilians in southern Israel that included rapes, people burnt alive, as well as the abduction of over 200 people, including the elderly and babies (one just 9 months old), the main speaker at a pro-Palestinian demonstration that […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

The enemy within and the lack of courage by the West: Why They Don’t Want to Touch the Islamists

by Giovanni Giacalone On Saturday October 21st massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place in London with slogans invoking “jihad”, the “Dawlat al-Islam” (the Islamic State)  and other hate chants such as “Lanaat Allah ala al-Kufar” (May Allah curses be on infidels) and “Lannat Allah ala al-Yahood” (May Allah curses be upon the Jews). In a video […]

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