October 18, 2024
Europe Iran Israel MENA News Middle East News

Palestinian leader in Italy calls Hamas’ crimes against humanity “self-defense”. Pictures of him with Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniyeh only make things worse.

by Giovanni Giacalone In the afternoon of October 10th 2023 in Milan’s very central Piazza Mercanti, less than 100 meters from the famous Duomo square, a pro-Palestinian sit-in took place; one of the many throughout Europe that were organized against Israel’s military response to Hamas. However, something that did not go unnoticed is the fact […]

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Africa Europe Opinion Politics Russia

Why the Coup in Niger Should Come As No Surprise

by Scott Morgan The events in Niamey that occurred on July 26th caught some analysts by surprise but if one looks at the situation in the Sahel as a whole one should not have been.   On that date Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum was seized by members of the Presidential Guard led by General Omar […]

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Europe News Politics

The Italian stations are in the hands of drug dealers and have become a no man’s land

by Giovanni Giacalone On Tuesday March 7, 2023, a 23-year-old Moroccan citizen identified as Abraham Rasi, illegal on Italian soil, wounded six people (three women and three men) in a series of armed robberies in the Milan Central train station. Two of the wounded were brought to the hospital in serious conditions but their lives […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

NATO Without Turkey

by Ioannis E. Kotoulas Is Turkey really needed as a NATO member? Does the cost of keeping Turkey as a NATO member begin to exceed the benefits of its inclusion? These questions, difficult as they may be, should be increasingly raised inside the Alliance. The issue is essential, especially as the U.S. on its own […]

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Business Europe GCC Middle East Opinion

The Emirates and Europe, A Sustainable Relationship

The Emirates and Europe a sustainable relationship by: Maria Maalouf Whoever observes the movement of Emirati diplomacy concludes that he is in front of a hive of bees that does not tire and does not get bored, achieving results without being distracted by a lot of words, as it is a diplomacy of actions, not […]

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Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion

Saudi Support for Lebanon is Suspended until Guarantees are Available

By Maria Maalouf Over the years, Lebanon has at times been the center of the world’s attention on its various affairs and crises. The small country has enjoyed constistent international support, especially since the signing of the Taif Accord,  sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia three decades ago. The Taif Accord ended the fratricidal […]

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Europe GCC MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

The love between the Italian left-wing and Qatar is a risk to regional security

By Giovanni Giacalone The Qatargate scandal is only in its very early phase, but the situation already seems to be very serious. The “Italian job”, as indicated in the Belgian court papers due to the fact that so far most of the involved individuals are Italians and mainly linked to Partito Democratico-PD and Articolo 1 […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East

Basindowah discusses with German officials the latest events in Yemen

Dr. Wesam Basindowah, head of the Yemeni Coalition for Independent Women, held talks with a number of officials in the German Foreign Ministry and specialists in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf, in addition to German parliamentarians and civil society organizations. This is part of a series of meetings that took place during a […]

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Can Putin Defeat Europe Without Winning the War in Ukraine?

Putin doesn’t need to defeat Ukraine to destroy Europe. The far right is doing that for him. Emmanuel Macron may have defeated far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in the French Presidential election, but Le Pen’s party’s dominance is far from gone. Despite her disturbing, hate-fueled politics, and worrying dealings with Moscow, she still won 41.2% […]

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Europe MENA News Opinion Politics

In NY Post: Biden’s cynical ploy to return to Iran deal because of Ukraine

The Washington Outsider’s Editor-in-Chief Irina Tsukerman writes in the NY Post: President Biden’s speech announcing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and declaring a set of sanctions against Russia’s elites is, on the surface, a typical statement attacking a ruthless hegemonic dictator. But it not only misses the forest for the trees — it enables the manipulative strategies of […]

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