September 8, 2024
Featured MENA News Opinion

History of Land Slavery and Forced Displacement, it is Still happening!

By Houleye Thiam Houleye Thiam, MPA, MS is president of The Mauritanian Network for Human Rights in The US. She is also president and founder of Youth and Hope, L’espoir pour La Jeunesse and Social Worker/ Organiser / Mauritanian Community Activist Black Mauritanians have historically been stripped of their land ownership rights, most notably beginning […]

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Featured News Opinion Politics

What Is The Favorable Deal For Islamic Republic

By Sam Denver Since 1979, despite all negotiations between Iran and US, Islamic Republic remained one of the most anti-western governments in the world. Via a short review of JCPOA negotiations this writing will reveal the ultimate objectives and modus operandi of the regime in Tehran and how it is using negotiations to continue the […]

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Featured Opinion Politics

Idlib Conflict. Turkey’s struggle with Russia over Idlib

By Rustam Taghizade Turkey has launched four military operations in northern Syria since 2016. Each military operation serves a specific purpose and in the region responds to rapidly changing scenarios. Turkey’s military operations in Syria have strained relations with the United States. At the peak of relations, of course, Turkey’s decision to deploy a Russian S-400 missile system […]

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Featured News Opinion

New realities after the Second Karabakh War. Will the opening of the Zangazur corridor put an end to conflicts in the region?

By Rustam Taghizade On November 10, 2020, the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia ended with a ceasefire agreement. This tripartite ceasefire agreement, mediated by Russia, changed the map of the South Caucasus. It should be noted that there are also unresolved issues. The presence of separatist soldiers in the territories controlled by Russian peacekeepers. The use of […]

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Caucasus Featured News

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gets the highest Turkish award.

By Vusala Abbasova Earlier, a ceremony to inaugurate a new building of the Secretariat of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-Speaking States was held in Istanbul, on November 12. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attends the event. Prior to the event, the heads of state and government posed together for a group photo. The Turkish president […]

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Featured News

Statement on the crimes of the Houthi militia in Marib

Human rights organizations condemn the terrorist attack on the Salafi Dar al-Hadith Center in al-Juba, south Marib, today, Monday, which killed 39 people, including women and children, according to local human rights sources. The organizations express their concern and denunciation of the bloody attackes caused by the Houthi militia ,in Marib and all Yemeni governorates. […]

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Africa Featured News

Sudan: New coup by unidentified armed men

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announces the dissolution of the transitional authorities. Since the putsch and the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019, Sudan has experienced a transition process marred by political divisions and power struggles. Street and international reactions are likely to have little impact on powerful factions pushing for a return to […]

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Featured MENA News Opinion Politics

Post Arab spring and the fight against Islamists in Tunisia

By Manel Msalmi From Sudan to Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, we recall the failure of the Brotherhood’s rule in  the MENA region and its incompatibility with the secular political system that the Arab and Muslim yearns to . “We are here to protect Tunisia. We have seen all the tragedies under the rule of the […]

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Featured MENA News News Politics

Mohamed Salah Tamek (MST), back on the front lines against allegations of human rights abuses in the Kingdom of Morocco

Mohamed Salah Tamek (MST), Head of the Moroccan Prison and Reintegration department of the Kingdom of Morocco, a credible and legitimate voice deconstructs some of the allegations in the 10 senators letter sent to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.The remainder of the amalgamations and untruths of said letter will properly be answered in due […]

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Featured MENA News News Politics

The Corruption and Narcoterrorism Fueling Iran-Backed Houthi Attacks on Yemenis and Saudis

The Washington Outsider, a foreign policy and security-focused publication, organized a live event in Geneva on the sidelines of the 48th United Nations Human Rights Council Session, to highlight the factors explaining and enabling Houthis violence and fanatical hatred of the Saudis, non-Houthi Yemenis, Americans, Israelis, Jews, and anyone who deigned to criticize their methods […]

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