September 8, 2024
Middle East
Europe MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

NATO Without Turkey

by Ioannis E. Kotoulas Is Turkey really needed as a NATO member? Does the cost of keeping Turkey as a NATO member begin to exceed the benefits of its inclusion? These questions, difficult as they may be, should be increasingly raised inside the Alliance. The issue is essential, especially as the U.S. on its own […]

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Business Europe GCC Middle East Opinion

The Emirates and Europe, A Sustainable Relationship

The Emirates and Europe a sustainable relationship by: Maria Maalouf Whoever observes the movement of Emirati diplomacy concludes that he is in front of a hive of bees that does not tire and does not get bored, achieving results without being distracted by a lot of words, as it is a diplomacy of actions, not […]

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Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion

Saudi Support for Lebanon is Suspended until Guarantees are Available

By Maria Maalouf Over the years, Lebanon has at times been the center of the world’s attention on its various affairs and crises. The small country has enjoyed constistent international support, especially since the signing of the Taif Accord,  sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia three decades ago. The Taif Accord ended the fratricidal […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East News

Review of Social Development Bank Initiatives in Saudi Arabia

By Dr Sultan Alateeg Governments in many affluent nations now face financial and social difficulties as a result of the global financial crisis. Today’s governments face challenges brought on by years of excessive spending, rising debt, and expanding budget deficits. Governments must also cope with rising unemployment, little to no economic development, more poverty, and […]

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Europe GCC MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

The love between the Italian left-wing and Qatar is a risk to regional security

By Giovanni Giacalone The Qatargate scandal is only in its very early phase, but the situation already seems to be very serious. The “Italian job”, as indicated in the Belgian court papers due to the fact that so far most of the involved individuals are Italians and mainly linked to Partito Democratico-PD and Articolo 1 […]

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MENA News Middle East Opinion

The United Arab Emirates, the United States, and the World Climate Summit

By Maria Maalouf A version of this article in Arabic first appeared in Al-Ain. In recent decades, the United Arab Emirates has demonstrated its ability to adapt to crises and create safer and more sustainable alternatives in all economic, production, and service sectors, including clean energy. It is investing $100 billion in clean energy projects, […]

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Asia Iran MENA News Middle East North America Opinion

US Response to Iran Protests

by Jackson Richman Iranian women have taken to the streets to cut their hair, take off their hijabs and burn them not in calling for reform, but for regime change. The United States must support these demonstrators.   Prominent retired CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos said on Lebanese journalist Maria Maloof’s show, The Capitol, that while the […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East

Basindowah discusses with German officials the latest events in Yemen

Dr. Wesam Basindowah, head of the Yemeni Coalition for Independent Women, held talks with a number of officials in the German Foreign Ministry and specialists in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf, in addition to German parliamentarians and civil society organizations. This is part of a series of meetings that took place during a […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Anti-Semitism

by Jackson Richman The Egyptian cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi died last week at the age of 96. He was beloved by the Muslim Brotherhood, an anti-Semitic terrorist group. Founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, the Brotherhood’s anti-Semitism runs deep. It supported the Nazis and Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem who was a close […]

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GCC Middle East

Labor Force Integration in Saudi Arabia

by Sultan Alateeg Labor Force Integration in Saudi Arabia Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations seek to increase the number of citizens working in the private sector to deal with the influx of new workers. They have implemented workforce nationalization programs to reverse two aspects of their labor markets: the preference for hiring citizens for positions […]

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