September 15, 2024
Opinion Politics

Iran’s drought policies are desertification Iraq and Ahwaz

By Dr. Frank Musmar In the last decade, less water has been reaching the Tigris in Iraq from the Iranian side due to the building of a series of dams on the tributary rivers of the Tigris, such as the Little Zab, Karkh, Karun, Alwand, and Diyala, which lessen downstream Iraq’s share affecting Iraq’s southern provinces. […]

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Caucasus News Opinion Politics

Armenia’s groundless allegations of committing “cultural crimes” in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan

By Mr. Mubariz Gurbanli, the Chairman, the State Committee on Religious Associations of the Republic of Azerbaijan  On March 25, 2021, BBC News reported on the disappearance of the Armenian Church in the Azerbaijani city of Jabrayil. However, allegations by the Armenian Foreign Ministry and the Armenian National Commission for UNESCO that Azerbaijan has committed […]

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Caucasus News Opinion

Inter-Religious Tolerance and Solidarity: Jews in Azerbaijan

 By Fidan Ismayılzada, Adviser of International Relations Department of SCRA Azerbaijan combines East and West, north and South and made a unique contribution to the development of humanity, its culture and heritage. Azerbaijan absorbed all the best historical path of human development. Therefore, it’s very important to know about this country and learn its history, culture, […]

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MENA News News Opinion Politics

Aziz Akhannouch, a card from the Palace to close the Islamist parenthesis and succeed in the new development model of the Kingdom

By Fadhel Ben Maarouf The attempt is risky for several reasons, which cannot be spread out in this period of crisis between Morocco and its neighbors. A concern to preserve the image of Morocco and its politicians… abroad. The international stake is important for the stability of the kingdom and the success of its commitments […]

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