September 16, 2024
Featured MENA News News Politics

LIVE 7/19/2021 Egypt’s growing role in Africa: Between diplomacy and defense

Don’t miss what promises to be an exciting and in depth conversation with Simone Ledeen and Mohammed Wadie about #Egypt’s new assertive foreign policy in #Africa and beyond, as well as its responses to diverse security defense challenges.

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Featured News Politics

The 2010s, a Lost Decade for Iran’s Economy

By Ahmad Al Jabbouri “Lost decade” is a term used to describe the state of the Japanese economy in the 1990s, a decade associated with negative inflation, a sharp drop in housing prices, labor shortages, and a set of misguided economic policies by the Japanese government. This term is now used to describe the 2010s […]

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MENA News News Politics

OCP: Terrab loses out to Mosaic in US legal battle

By Irina Tsukerman & Anis El Okbani US President Joe Biden’s administration has dealt a major blow to OCP Group by its decision to impose countervailing duties on fertilizer imports from Morocco.  The ruling brings to a close an investigation initiated during Donald Trump’s tenure  OCP loses its standoff against Mosaic In the end, the […]

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Featured News Politics

Violations of children and women in Yemen at the hands of the Houthi militia, and Biden’s decision to remove the Houthis from the terrorist list a “gamble”?

By George Najjar  The most dangerous adventure would encourage the Houthi militia, which is linked to Iran, to continue committing serious violations against Yemeni women, kidnapping dozens of its daughters and sexually exploiting them in secret centers, recruiting children and trafficking human organs for the wounded. If the Houthi gang welcomes Biden’s decision to remove […]

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News Politics

Erdogan’s Turkey sanctioned for human trafficking

The TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS REPORT JUNE 2021 has just been released by the Department of State. On reading it, one remark stands out: the theme and the efforts were not in vain of the Washington Outsider conference moderated by the editor-in-chief of the Washington Outsider and Human Rights Lawyer Irina Tsukerman and her guests Security Analyst Scott Morgan and […]

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Art & Culture News Politics

A world champion of full-contact and kickboxing in the Moroccan political ring

While Abdellatif Jouahri, the wali of Bank Al-Maghrib has another opinion on the political struggle. Moroccan Diaspora and Constitution: Political participation of Moroccan Diaspora: an option ruled out in 2021? Mustafa Lakhsem found the solution. Well done, Champion! For Moroccans around the world, Mustapha Lakhsem, since it is about him, embodies the hope for a […]

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News Politics

The Houthis: a terrorist organization

By Mark Brenton The Secret Accord between the Iranian-backed Houthis and Al-Qaeda is true. According to a Yemeni government report and other independent sources the Houthis housed in 2014, convicted militiamen of Al-Qaeda, whose main leader of this terrorist organization, to be released is Jamal Mohammed Al-Badwai, the mastermind of the deadly attack on the […]

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News Politics

Parliament: Scandal, with the blessing of the two presidents: El Malki and Benchamach

An almost empty parliament. More than half of parliamentarians no longer come to Rabat. Both chambers are virtually empty with more than a month left before the end of the legislature. Parliamentarians are preparing their electoral campaign and no longer deign to set foot in the seat of the legislative institution, and this, according to […]

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MENA News News Politics

Iran: what are the stakes for the presidential election?

By Fadhel Ben Maarouf Offices closed after an extension to adjust results according to a pre-programmed schedule. Elsewhere, Negotiations are currently taking place in Vienna on the Iranian nuclear issue. It is a Shiite regime which wants above all to save its revolution and extend it abroad.  What about the Iranians in all of this? […]

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MENA News News Politics

Spain failed to trap Biden!

By Irina Tsukerman and Anis El Okbani Arancha González Laya, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, known for her violence against Bourita, tried to trick Biden to extract support from him for the scam voted on 6/10 by the European Parliament in the form of a hostile resolution to the Kingdom of Morocco concerning Ceuta, Moroccan […]

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